Re: A85: ON key and TSRs in Usgard
Re: A85: ON key and TSRs in Usgard
I believe what you could do is set up a basic TSR, and whenver it is
called, test for the ON key being pressed. If so, the only thing you could
do is delay until the user stops pressing on with a loop if on is still
being pressed.
At 06:05 PM 8/30/97 -0700, you wrote:
>On the TI-85, an interrupt is triggered every 200th of a second, and when
>ON is pressed. When a TSR is installed, is it called when the ON key is
>pressed as well as the interrupts occurring 200 times per second? I my TSR
>to "see" the ON key being pressed before the TI-OS sees it. Is this
>Jeff Tyrrill
Evil Jim
Viva La Mexico
I want to die in my sleep like my Grandfather, not screaming in pain like
the passengers in my car...