A85: Re: Memory Mapped Devices
A85: Re: Memory Mapped Devices
When the processor want to acces a part of the memory it puts the addresse
on the adresseus, the data on the databus and then indicates wether this is
a read or a write. If you want to make a device memory mapped you connect
some logic to the adresse bus which checks wether the current addresse is
the one where you want to place you device. If it is you enable you device,
otherwise you disable it. This makes it look like the device is located the
addresse you chose. It is actually fairly easy to do, when you know how it
is done.
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Burzinski <tsk3000@prodigy.net>
To: List-Assembly-85 <assembly-85@lists.ticalc.org>; List-Assembly-92
<Assembly-92@lists.ticalc.org>; List-TI-Hardware
Date: 29. oktober 1997 04:31
Subject: A85: Memory Mapped Devices
>Does anyone know how Memory Mapping is done? Like, for example, the
>screen on the TI-85 or 92? I'm not looking for anything real specific,
>just a somewhat general explination as to how it is done/how it works.
>And actually, something more from a hardware standpoint. ;)