Re: A85: Usgard 1.5 release


Re: A85: Usgard 1.5 release

ztetris should NOT need winblib or the standard verion of usgard. thus
it should work on 1.5, 1.1, or 1.0 =) I also locked my calc on winshell, 
so I gave up on it. actaully, the fist time I loaded it the thing locked
my calc when I tried to press teh start button. hehe! =)

On Mon, 27 Oct 1997, Bryan Rabeler wrote:

> wrote:
> > I downloaded it.  I love the background pic in the windows shell.
> >  Unfortunatly, I found that a bunch of programs were incompatible.  Here are
> > a few:
> >
> > * Potty Pigeon 3.0
> > * ZTetris 3.0 (I think this is the LITE version.  Since there aren't supposed
> > to be any libraries, is that why the lite version doesn't work)
> >
> > I also found that the Win shell was pretty unstable.  It crashed my calc
> > quite a few times.  Most likely I just have the wrong files installed.  I
> > used the WIN backup, and then copied USGSIMP and all of my programs/ASM
> > programs.  After finding out that the WIN shell was unstable, I deleted the
> > winshell program and just used Ssimple shell.  This, of course, will run some
> > programs, like SQRZS, but it will not run others, such as Potty Pigeon.  I
> > then ran ZTetris.  My calc again crashed.  I have no idea if this my problem
> > or a problem wit USGARD.  Anyway, good job to the team, there are nifty
> > features, but it still could use some tweaking.
> Potty Pigeon 3.0 was made for Usgard 0.95 so it will not work in Usgard 1.0+
> Are you using the ZTetris 3.0 off of  I just ran it under Usgard 1.5
> and it worked fine.  There was only one version of ZTetris though.
> --
> Bryan Rabeler
> ICQ UIN # 1229209
> WWW Pager -
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				Biya! =)

                         .       .     .    
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          .                     Will Stokes                .
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        .    .           (The TI-85 Calc. Center)               .
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