Re: A85: Link Port
Re: A85: Link Port
John Koch wrote:
> >A cooler idea is to check the keys being pressed, and disable 2nd-xvar
> >by checking the key port for x-var and if it is held down, call get_key
> >(thus destroying the x-var keycode which is stored as the last key
> >pressed)! I'm not sure this would work, but i'm there is a
> possiblity...
> I still like the idea of using the TSR thingy.
That is a TSR... Do you even know what a TSR is?
> I would like it to be for CShell or CShell compatible considering thats
> what I use and if we wanted it would be easier to port, but it doesn't
> matter. I hope this helps explain a little better.
Well it is your choice. Take my advice though, make it for Rigel or
Usgard (or any other shell that supports TSRs).
Terry Peng <>