A85: Usgard 1.5 release
A85: Usgard 1.5 release
Version 1.5 of Usgard has been released! You should be able to download it from http://www.ticalc.org
All programs written for Usgard 1.0 / 1.1 are fully compatible to version 1.5. Note however that you have to use the new shells included in the ZIP in order to be able to display all files.
Here's what's new:
* Thanks to Jimmy, we were able to reduce the size of the OS dramatically. The standard version is now around 1850 bytes, the lite around 1070 bytes and the completely new non-ZShell version 950 bytes.
* Non-ZShell version. If you only use Usgard games, this is a the right choice. It's basically the lite version without ROM_CALL, JUMP_ and CALL_ emulation.
* ROM 2.0 SUPPORT! Though not yet approved, Usgard 1.5 supports also ROM 2.0. Thanks to [_brain_] and Magnus!
NOTE: to update Usgard 1.1 / 1.0 to Usgard 1.5, you just follow these instructions:
1) send USGSTD.85S, USGLITE.85S or USGNOZS.85S to the calc
2) USGSTD->Usgard (replace USGSTD with the version you want)
3) Delete USGSTD. Be sure to have the newest PATCHROM on your calc and run Usgard
4) Done!
Note that this also works to change between standard and lite version, or to from ZShell/CShell or any other shell to Usgard, by simply typing USGSTD->ZShell (or whatever).
Download USGARD 1.5 NOW!!
Sincerely, the Usgard development team:
Andreas Ess
Jimmy Mardell
Sam Davies
Austin Butler
Mel Tsai