Re: A85: Sqrxz85 Levels


Re: A85: Sqrxz85 Levels

IN>Nobody is going to send anybody games.  You either need to get an internet
IN>connection or find someone who has one.  And everybody stop cluttering up
IN>the group with requests for programs, get them yourself.

IN>At 05:31 PM 10/14/97 -0400, you wrote:
IN>>i guess i've been missing out
IN>>can someone send me sqrxz 85 and any info i might need for it
IN>>i don't have internet access and a juno account so i am behind
IN>>btw, send it uue

I am sorry but not everybody is as fortunate as you. Maybe we don't have
internet access... I used to but not any more. Maybe the next time you
can be a little less ignorant and more understanding, jeez.
