Re: A85: Usgard WinShell 1.1


Re: A85: Usgard WinShell 1.1

Well if you have a picture in .85i format you could use a program called
USGCAP and capture it.  It stores the pictures it captures as .85s
files.  You can get USGCAP from my page in the USGARD

jSw wrote:

> Hello, I'm running the Usgard WinShell 1.1 and was wondering how I
> could
> possibly put background pictures on there. I know you can put the
> Usgard
> one on there, I've done it. But I mean pics like off of your computer.
> I
> know you can convert between PICT format to the calcs PIC format but
> the
> pictures that it uses as backgrounds are strings. Also, are there any
> sites
> that have pics that are strings that I could send to the ti-85 and
> use?
> BTW, are there any other good zshell compatible shells that have a
> windows/mac like interface?
> -Jeremy
> "You've claimed all this time that you would die for me. Why then are
> you
> so suprised when you hear your own eulogy?"-Tool

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