Re: A85: Square roots
Re: A85: Square roots
Erik L Gillespie wrote:
> there's nothing wrong with dividing besides the
> fact that it's slow and there's always the possibility of dividing by
> zero
That's true, except the original poster doesn't really want square
roots, he just wants to know if a number is prime, k?
> if your multiply and divide source routines are in assembler i'd be happy
> to take a look
Well, i can give you some routines off the top of my head. These may not
be optimized but they are small and effective:
mult: ;output: hl=b*e
;if b=0, hl=e*256...
;if e=0, hl=0
;d,b destroyed
ld d,0 ;de=e
ld hl,0 ;hl=0
add hl,de ;adds de to hl for each b
djnz mult2
div: ;output: c=a/b rounded down to nearest integer, a=a%b
;if b=0 cf is set
ld (temp),a;store a
xor a ;a=0
ld c,a ;c=0
cp b ;does b=0?
ret z ;if so return w/cf set
ld a,(temp);recall a
cp b ;is a<b?
ccf ;if so reset cf
ret nc ;and ret
sub b ;else subtract b from a
inc c ;and increment the division counter
jr div2 ;and goto div2
I'm not sure if these routines work (didn't test them), but they
Make sure you define a temp as an address somewhere in the text memory.
> also i just started doing Z-80 stuff and i am wondering if they have the
> command "div"
Unfortunately, no :`(
There isn't even a mulu command!
You'll have to write your own routine i suppose (or use the ones i just
Terry Peng <>