Re: A85: TI86/TI85
Re: A85: TI86/TI85
On Sat, 04 Oct 1997 12:48:29 +0900 Leif Gregory <>
>>I write to suggest someone of writing a program
>>(for the computer) that transfers ti86 programs
>>into ti85 programs, or vice versa.
>:x-------------------- SNIP -------------------x:
>...HAL takes your source code and compiles it for
>whichever calc you want it for (At least I think it
>did). Why couldn't there be something that does
>this for straight ASM too. Hey I'm just beginning
>to learn to ASM so be nice.
You _CAN_ put straight ASM in HAL programs. I think the ASM has to be in
all CAPS and not indented (flat against the left of the screen...).
There may be a few other things you need to do, but I know that straight
ASM is possible in HAL. With HAL you can also mix the semi-BASIC
language and assembly language, enabling you to have the ease of BASIC
along with the power of ASM (the best of both worlds;-). I have yet to
get HAL to compile a program correctly for both the 85 and 86, but I
might not have the latest version and I need to get used to the syntax.
I think everything has to be between parentheses (ie: no order of
operations, except for parentheses goes first).
The Unibomer
Jared Ivey
Ham Call Sign: KF4BXL
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