RE: A85: Someone needed a link-port test utility?
RE: A85: Someone needed a link-port test utility?
Would you be willing to supply the original asm file? I think others as well as
myself are keenly interested in link port communication. Thanks
On Thursday, October 02, 1997 7:35 PM, Ryan Myers (Webmaster)
[] wrote:
> I wrote a utility to test the link port a while back while I was working
> with the temperature sensor... I'll send it out to the public. It's pretty
> simple; just pops up a help screen and lets you do the work. F1 forces the
> red to +5V and white to 0V, F2 does red low and white high, F3 is both
> high, F4 is both low, F5 quits. It's ZShell 4.0 compatible, i.e. no shell
> shit to get in the way.
> Anyways, enjoy. This was not written in Small C, I did this in scratch
> using plain-old vanilla assembly.
> << File: linktest.85g >> << File: ATT00002.txt >>