A85: Someone needed a link-port test utility?
A85: Someone needed a link-port test utility?
I wrote a utility to test the link port a while back while I was working
with the temperature sensor... I'll send it out to the public. It's pretty
simple; just pops up a help screen and lets you do the work. F1 forces the
red to +5V and white to 0V, F2 does red low and white high, F3 is both
high, F4 is both low, F5 quits. It's ZShell 4.0 compatible, i.e. no shell
shit to get in the way.
It should be attached in this mail, MIME64 format; if anyone can't recieve
that, I'd be glad to put a UU-encoded version on LZB.
BTW, is there still an LZB? Is it A85B now? :)
Anyways, enjoy. This was not written in Small C, I did this in scratch
using plain-old vanilla assembly.
Ryan J. Myers ( Webmaster ) rmyers@inetarena.com (ICQ 1473314)
Portland, Oregon ( US ) http://boris.inetarena.com/
WWW Design, Z80 Assembly / Win95 Programming, CGI Scripting, 3D Graphics
The contents of this email are my own opinions and do not represent the
positions of my employers unless specifically stated as such.