Re: A85: Re: Programming question


Re: A85: Re: Programming question

On Wed, 19 Nov 1997 17:34:38 -0500, you wrote:

>>   ld c, (hl + a)
>wouldn't this be like this:
>StartValue = TEXT_MEM
>Length       = TEXT_MEM + 1
>   ld   hl, (StartValue)

should be "ld hl,StartValue"... no parenthesis.

>   ld   b, (Length)

you would have to load into the accumulator before putting it into b.
so:  "ld a,(Length)  \  ld b,a"

>   ld   c, (hl)
>   ; Put code to handle what C is in here
>   inc  hl
>   dec b
>    jrnz b, Loop
>You would put where you want to start in StartValue, then
>put how long you would want this to happen in Length.
>Michael Cook

-mike pearce
