Re: A85: Re: Compiler
Re: A85: Re: Compiler
Dines Christy Justesen wrote:
> A simpel Z80 assembler could be made for the TI85, and it would probably
> take up app. 4 KB. However i do not think that writing a program like that
> is a very good idea, since every time you made a mistake the calc would
> crash andd all you work would be lost.
> Dines
This maybe true, but another alternative would be a simple text editor
to allow people to simply "type" in Z80 code while in class for instance
to pass time and come up with some ideas. As you mentioned, if you were
to provide a compiler, it would allow one to crash his calculator and
lose all the code that was typed in. Therefore the text editor idea
would be nothing more than an alternative to jotting ideas down on