A85: Re: Other ideas for the link port on the TI


A85: Re: Other ideas for the link port on the TI

actually, i am working on a ti-network.  of course, there's gonna have to be
some extra electronics b.s. involved, but i'm sure i'll get it done.  the
easiest way is to go in increments of 4.  4-calc network. 8-calc network.
no odd number stuff, cuz it just won't work that way.  i'll letcha know.

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik L Gillespie <egillespie@juno.com>
To: assembly-85@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-85@lists.ticalc.org>
Cc: assembly-85@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-85@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Sunday, November 02, 1997 10:01 PM
Subject: A85: Other ideas for the link port on the TI

>Would it be feasible to do any of these things with a TI?
>Make an adapter to display the contents of the TI's screen on a
>television?  Maybe even while playing games?  TSR?
>How about a light pen or a track ball for the TI?
>A unit that would connect multiple calcs together for a TI network?
>Imagine the multiplayer capabilities!
>Does the memory expansion allow you to run programs from the expander or
>do you have to copy the data over first?
>Is there a program out there that allows you to run TI-ASM files (*.85S,
>*.85G) on a PC?  Without your calculator connected?
>Similar to the MIDI question for the calc, are there any video type,
>animation formats for the TI?
