Re: LZ: ZTerm .09beta release


Re: LZ: ZTerm .09beta release

Alan Bailey wrote:
> Here's the first public beta version of ZTerm.  It's not the best, I
> know that, but I decided I had procastinated enough.  It's attached to
> this message, and I'll post it to binaries too.  Anyways, have fun,
> don't expect much from it, and tell me what you think, or else it will
> never get better.  Also be sure to read the text file, contains some
> important stuff... 8^)
> Remember this site: will
> contain any new versions and some old ones :/.  Hopefully, if I get off
> my butt, It will be much better soon.
> --
> Compliments of:
> _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
> Alan Bailey
> IRC: Abalone
> Web:
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
>                   Name: ZTERM09.ZIP
>    Part 1.2       Type: Zip Compressed Data
>                         (application/x-zip-compressed)
>               Encoding: base64

Arg... Errg.. Ahgg.. Ecckkk,.  Weehgg...  Pluuu..   Arg.. Err....  m u s
t s t o p

(throat-cutting noises heard soon after)

Adam Geitgey
Partner CSRA Web Design and Computer Consulting
"Web Design for the Information Age"
PGP Key upon request
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