Re: LZ: doh


Re: LZ: doh

couldn't find your gaem anywhere on ticalc and I looked a lot. send it too
me please.
		Will Stokes

On Wed, 11 Jun 1997, Henry Zektser wrote:

> ok, 1st off, what the hell is the 3rd shell? I've only seen 2
> also, opponents and better pics might work better
> that's about all i did, took ur engine (disassembled) and added stuff like
> opponents, better response to controll, and jumping (that's fun)
> adding little ramps in the middle of the rd that would make u jump for
> like a sec or 2 and kill u if u don't land on the rd (u control it when ur
> in the air)
> as far as my game, it should be on ticalc under hzrace or somethin
> --<Henry Zektser>--
> -----!<<cgiman>>!-----
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> On Wed, 11 Jun 1997, Will Stokes wrote:
> > > Just wanted to let Will know once again how awsome mega racers is and
> > > how undeserving the above message was.
> > 
> > thanx. A BIG thing people DON'T understand is the power of USGARD. There
> > are THREE DIFFERENT SHELLS and the one you guys are complaining abouit is
> > the os-85 like shell. Sure it is big, but it is inteneded to please people
> > who like os-85, and there are people like that out there.
> > 	If you want a small shell try the simple shell version of USGARD
> > that works just like CShell and ZShell and is small.However, it is FASTER
> > and allows the new calls and libraries making it five times smaller. 
> > 	Some people also seem to suddenly thing MEga Racers ain't such a
> > great game. Well, to be quite honest, why don't you e-mail me with
> > CONSTRUCTIVE comments on how to make it better? I've already planned out
> > how to make the game engine under 7k, perhaps under 6k which would make it
> > smaller then Daedalus and PJ][. THis woiuld utilize external levels that I
> > might give anybody theability to make! This I think would make it a lot
> > better
> > 	In addition I've planned to add highscores and computer opponents
> > in the next 3 weeks. Would that make it better? I would think so. If youi
> > really have complaints about the game TELL ME WHY AND WHAT I CAN DO TO
> > MAKE IT BETTER! In case you havn't figuredit out, I've already been adding
> > stuff that people suggest, like the power meter and exploding sequence.
> > 	Ok? :)
> >                              Biya,  
> >                                Will Stokes
> >                                  8^)
> >            _____________________________________________________
> >           /                                                    /|
> >          /____________________________________________________/ |
> >         |                                                    |  |
> >         |                      Will Stokes                   |  |
> >         |                     |  |
> >         |          |  |
> >         |                                                    |  |
> >         |                 My Personal Homepage               |  |
> >         |       |  |
> >         |                                                    |  |
> >         |             The TI-85 Calculator Center            |  |
> >         |   (the website I maintain and update very often)   |  |
> >         | |  |
> >         |                                                    | /
> >         |____________________________________________________|/
> > 	
> > 
> > 

                               Will Stokes
          /                                                    /|
         /____________________________________________________/ |
        |                                                    |  |
        |                      Will Stokes                   |  |
        |                     |  |
        |          |  |
        |                                                    |  |
        |                 My Personal Homepage               |  |
        |       |  |
        |                                                    |  |
        |             The TI-85 Calculator Center            |  |
        |   (the website I maintain and update very often)   |  |
        | |  |
        |                                                    | /
