Re: LZ: Usgard


Re: LZ: Usgard

i just got the small version of usguard and I AM IMPRESSED!
i still want to see the 3rd shell tho
as for developing, yeah, i guess i'll be using usgard now that the small
thing is kinda kool.
i won't be converting back to zshell
i only have one suggestion for usgard
how about a MODULAR control panel?
like NT where you can write ur own control modules and just plug em in
so like say, i want built in passwd, instead of a proggie, i plug it in as
a module and it becomes A PART OF usgard like patchrom changes it

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On Wed, 11 Jun 1997, Jimmy Mårdell wrote:

> Jim Reardon wrote:
> > 
> > At first I was really interested in Usgard, but when it was released I
> > was sorta disapointed.
> > 
> > First off, size postings were very misleading.  Sure the shell is only
> > 4k, but then your interface, a bunch of libraries, and the whole shebang
> > didn't leave me with much space for programs.
> Bah... it amazes me that so many people can be so stupid (sorry, but that's
> true) to not understand the beauty of Usgard. Put on the small Usgard
> backup, run it once, delete the game (bombswep) and the patchrom file.
> You will now have an almost COMPLETE installation of Usgard that will run
> practically EVERY program, and it takes 4,6k string memory. You
> now have about 19k left (umm... can someone explain why there is not
> 23k left!?!? I though the 85 had 28k user ram). You now have 19k free (should
> be 23k) for games, USGARD games (they will come, that's a promise). If those
> games were converted to ZShell, they would most likely not fit on the calc!
> > Programming for Usgard, while I just "dabbled" is quite nice.  Relocation
> > is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Libraries, though, don't save
> > as much memory as I thought they would (mostly because I still have
> > mostly ZShell games, plus not much space is left after the shell is put
> > on).  Some of the new CALLs look helpful and very promising.
> If you have mostly ZShell games, you choose ZShell of course (or CShell or
> whatever), but when Usgard cames start coming, they will dominate.
> > So now my debate continues: develop for ZShell or for Usgard?  What does
> > everyone else think?  What shell are you personally going to stick with
> > and use?
> Usgard of course. If all games in the future were made for Usgard, there
> would be more games (because it's easier to program using libraries &
> relocation), you could have more games on the calc at the same time, and
> you would have cooler games. I intend to develop lots of stuff for Usgard
> this summer, to make it the no 1 shell. I will not, and I hope no other
> Usgard programmer neither will, convert my games to ZShell.
> -- 
> Jimmy Mårdell                   "Searching for shelter
>            My brain is on ice
>       I'm scared of my own thoughts
> IRC: Yarin                       I can hear them cry" /Leather Strip
