Re: LZ: Directory category suggestions for the Expander?


Re: LZ: Directory category suggestions for the Expander?

beyond just that, if you don't people altering your expander's memory
don't let them send this security hacker program to your calc. int he
first place!!! Geez! Sometimes you guys just don't think before you type.

On Fri, 6 Jun 1997, Mel Tsai wrote:

> >This is not a good idea to do.  Someone would simply 
> >make a password cracker for it.  At least with the 
> >other password programs you had to have access to the 
> >calculator first to run the program.  If it was off 
> >it was still protected.  But with this kind of protection 
> >the person could run the cracker with nothing to stop 
> >him.  As mentioned before, only let people you trust 
> >handle your calc.
> >Just my $0.02,
> No, someone would have to actually *write* a password cracker that
> will be compatible with the software driver.  At this point no one
> except me would know how to do it.  And if someone did I'd just change
> the password system.
> But, while a password feature would be nice, it's just not a priority
> right now so it definitely won't make it into the software anytime
> soon.
> -Mel
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> -The TI-Memory Expansion Homepage
> -

                               Will Stokes
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