Re: LZ: USGARD Screen Shot
Re: LZ: USGARD Screen Shot
> >I'm sorry to say this, but USGARD looks like it has the things which made
> >the OS-85 interface a drag to use (Basically, people want to hit custom-F1
> >and have a list of programs pop least the people I've talked to do).
> >
> >Still, the programming features mentioned should more than make up for it in
> >terms of game quality :)
> The interface is selectable, you can choose the zshell-clone type
> interface and it'll just pop-up the list of files.
> -Mel
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> -The TI-Memory Expansion Homepage
> -
Does this essentially mean that the interface is a library? I was just about
to suggest this idea for USGARD :)