Re: LZ: Directory category suggestions for the Expander?


Re: LZ: Directory category suggestions for the Expander?

>> I'm implementing a fixed-directory structure in the expander, and
>> these are the ones I've come up with:
>> Games
>> Games2
>> Apps
>> Misc
>> Pics
>> Utils
>> Lib
>> Text
>> Progs
>> Any suggestions for refinements/additions/etc.?
>> -Mel
>Well, just in case we would come up with some useful
>math/chemistry/physics programs in asm, why not add a dir for that.
>They shouldn't really reside in the same dir as basic programs, should
>they? And utils doesn't sound too good either (for them).

How's "School" then?  One of the problems is that many people create
cheat notes in TI-Basic and they won't know whether to place it in
Text or Progs.  This can apply to other categories as well.  I guess
individuals will just have to decide on a convention as to which
programs go where.

I don't think "Lib" is necessary either, I'll probably get rid of

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