LZ: shells, not!


LZ: shells, not!

in responce to the shell mania and non-mania.....

(a.) I'm not making my own shell
(b.) I'm beginning work on Mega Racers again
(c.) I'll also start working on a graphical Baseball Game for zshell this

.....for all of you who want GAMES

                               Will Stokes
          /                                                    /|
         /____________________________________________________/ |
        |                                                    |  |
        |                      Will Stokes                   |  |
        |                 wstokes@geocities.com              |  |
        |           wstokes@vertex.ucls.uchicago.edu         |  |
        |                                                    |  |
        |                 My Personal Homepage               |  |
        |        http://www.uic.edu/~hhstokes/will.htm       |  |
        |                                                    |  |
        |             The TI-85 Calculator Center            |  |
        |   (the website I maintain and update very often)   |  |
        | http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/7360/ |  |
        |                                                    | /