Re: LZ: ZShell, OS-85, C-Shell NT, OShell and all the rest
Re: LZ: ZShell, OS-85, C-Shell NT, OShell and all the rest
> how about an option to lock modifying a game by using an interrupt. that
> way if you don't want people to change highscores etc. they have to enter
> a password that they don't know. just a thought.
Just today I wrote (for fun) a _TI-BASIC_ program that changed the high
scores in all 3 modes of insane to 65535. The program took 15 minutes to
write and 2 minutes to run. I didn't use ZShell at all except to check to see
if it worked. Even the checksum is fine. Now let's see an interrupt that can
cover stuff like that over and above GWIZ and all that other junk. (I see a
severely decellerated calculator...)