Re: LZ: ZShell, OS-85, C-Shell NT, OShell and all the rest


Re: LZ: ZShell, OS-85, C-Shell NT, OShell and all the rest

Jared M Ivey wrote:
> >>By 'revolutionize' do you mean a new uncompatible
> >>program format?
> >
> >       Nope, 100% compatible + more
> How do you plan to maintain '100%' compatibility within ZShell if you
> have added 'more' stuff not available through ZShell?  I'm not meaning to
> criticize, just curious why progs written for SuperNova would still be
> compatible.

	Sorry...compatiblity works only in one direction.  ZShell programs will
run is SuperNova.  SuperNova programs WILL NOT run in ZShell.

Follow-Ups: References: