Re: LZ: oh yeah.. usgard mailing list
Re: LZ: oh yeah.. usgard mailing list
On Fri, 27 Jun 1997 23:56:44 -0700 Keith Burzinski <>
>Nicholas C Anderson wrote:
>>blah blah...
>> it should be list-ti-programming because that is was is truly
>> about here.
>Well, no, it should be "List Assembly-85", because it we call it "List
>TI-Programming" we'll get all sorts of TI-BASIC discussion on here...
>DON'T want that, now, do we? ;)
Very true I forgot that TI-Basic was even a programming language and that
people stll used it for games and stuff :-)
- (Formerly know as
- "I hate a Roman named Status Quo." -Ray Bradbury
- Thank you for your time that I have just wasted!