Re: LZ: USGARD Question


Re: LZ: USGARD Question

When it came to Re: LZ: USGARD Question, Keith Burzinski thought:

> > Maybe I just missed
> > something.  I know it has relocation and libraries but in praticle
> > use libraries don't save space as far as I have seen and they sure
> > aren't fast and relocation might save maybe .1 in a program I
> > write but that doesn't make up for the shell size and the little
> > speed increase is not really that important.
> I agree.  By eliminating the "ld de, (PROGRAM_ADDR)" and "add hl,de"
> you're only saving 21 clock cycles, probably translating to only a
> few micro-seconds...  (Remember this processor does SEVERAL MILLION
> cycles a second...)

Actually, think about all the code a CALL_() goes through.  It's got 
to be at least a hundred or two clock cycles.  Now say you were 
repetitively calling something from within the inner loop of your 
game.  If that was supposed to be a fast, optimized loop, well, it 
isn't anymore... But with relocation, you can just use a regular call 
instruction that uses, what, 17 cycles?  Sounds like quite an 
improvement if you ask me.  Note I'm arguing for relocation here, not 
for any specific OS... Just thought I would make that clear for 
safety's sake. :)

> > What I would like to see is a shell that the
> > BARE minimum, like not scrolling menus or anything, just either a
> > text variable list or just have all the programs in the custom
> > menu so you could run them there.
> Well, that's been discussed before, and it would be almost
> impossible...  :(

Well, if, in Usgard, you use CustCust to put your programs on the 
custom menu, you could just delete your shell and then just run 
things from the custom menu...

Just my $0.019584372 cents...

Ben Shakal
Quote of the Month: "Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular."
