RE: LZ: TI-86 Cross-compile toolkit
RE: LZ: TI-86 Cross-compile toolkit
A few days ago, some people wrote:
>On Sun, 22 Jun 1997, Jeff Tyrrill wrote:
>> I've heard that the TI-86's display is bitmapped, just like the TI-85.
>Hmm, anyone else know something about this? If so, then graphics-stuff
>won't have to be rewritten...
>Henrik Edlund
>PGP public key available upon request. KeyID is 114428C9.
I've started thinking about this. I've been gone for a week in
Mississippi, so I haven't heard what's been going on. Before I traveled
away, I started an interface for the ti-86 to run ti-85 strings. I know
that they will need to be recompiled with a new header file, which I've
also started. I'm hoping that it is bitmapped like in the 85, I don't
see why they would change it while just making minor improvements in the
caclulator. i've also written the JUMP_,CALL_, and JUMP_Z, etc...
routiens. I'm now waiting to get a ti-86 (I'm pretty sure they are out
in wal-mart, target, kmart, service merchandise) and also waiting for ti
to realease the info on the 86 system. I looked at what ti did to
implement asm on the 83 and I'm hoping they will do that with the 86.
They load the program into a set address each time. This would mean you
don't need a backup, and the offset would still be known. If anything's
majorly different, I may just skip0 the project. I've included the
interface I've done so far. You can run it through zshell to check it
out. When ti releases the info, I'll start converting it to run on the
Compliments of:
Alan Bailey
IRC: Abalone