LZ: RE: Ash released
LZ: RE: Ash released
On Tuesday, June 24, 1997 4:20 AM, Dines Justesen[SMTP:c958362@student.dtu.dk] wrote:
> We have just released Ash, some programs written for ash and some
> text files about the ti82. all the info can be found at my homepage
> (http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c958362/ash/)
> Ash veions 1.0 is a Zshell like Zshell, and it supports APD and contrast
> change. Currently it only runs on rom version 19.
> On the page there are also some programs availble for ash this includes:
> An interrupt test program which also includes information about writing
> interrupt rutines your self.
> A greyscale program (uses interrupts)
> And a ti82 version of Tim FitzRandolphs game Weave 1.4
> Besides that you can find the source for all the programs and a
> greyscale "libary" which support both 4 and 8 shades of grey.
> You can also find text files on the ti82.
> 82-RAM : list locations i the 82 rom
> 82-ROM : lists a lot of functions found in the rom
> 82-PORTS : explains how the ports are used
> 82-VAR : varius info on the ti82
Wow! This is *GREAT*, only... none of the links on your page (except the main ash_10.zip link) work... I'd really like to know more about the TI-82's innards :).
Sam Davies <sdavies@mail.trilogy.net>