Re: LZ: New TI-BASIC Compiler


Re: LZ: New TI-BASIC Compiler

i agree which is why we're doing this

--<Henry Zektser>--
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On Wed, 18 Jun 1997, Damien wrote:

> I'm not sure that everyone is quite catching onto this idea (maybe I'm
> not!), but what I understand is that he wants to make a compiler that
> uses TI-BASIC commands, plus a few extra, translates it into asm (like
> HAL does with commands similar to BASIC) and then changes it into an
> *.85s file all on the PC. I think this is a great idea for those like me
> who cant program that well in asm. If I am wrong about this concept,
> then correct me. But as soon as anyone hears about a new compiler, they
> immediately thinks its going to be stuffed into the TI's memory. Not
> everything has to be done on the calc (thats what the link cables are
> for!)
> Please correct me if I'm wrong
> Damien
