Re: LZ: New TI-BASIC Compiler
Re: LZ: New TI-BASIC Compiler
I was asked why I wanted to make a BASIC compiler, not a C++ one, and
here is the answer:
first of all it is because of the mathematical funcions. If someone
wants to make a mathematical programme then assembler, with all due
respect, is probably not the language language. Part of the reason why I
want BASIC to be the language is partly because it's easy: anyone should
be able to make powerful tools. But I agree that C++ is far more
universal in it's application, but with 28K available I don't see where
we have sufficient space for OOP and similar.
For the more powerful tools which BASIC normally does not provide it
is my intention to make available the option of creating one's own. I
want to make this as versatile as possible whilst still easy to use and
not cumbersome.
And if anyone think that a C++ compiler would be better then the main
question is merely altering the parsing process. I say we join together
on the first few steps on the way and later part. We do not have to be
competitors, and the possibility of assisting oneanother seems to me to
be great. C++ programmers, I'm with you, but not on the TI-85. But that
you want to make this compiler is good, I think. You help me, I help
you, and we all live the happier thereafter.
Martin Christensen.
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