RE: LZ: Rotation...


RE: LZ: Rotation...

Thanx abunch.  I think that's what I was looking for... however, what would new x and newy represent?  Thanks to all of you for your help, but I still don't quite see how to store data and how to rotate in.  BTW, I made the sprite 15x15 so that it has to lines of symmetry, and is not two bytes (it wa s 17x17, but that wasted like 16 bytes or something.....)
Who wrote rinitsys.85b?  That is a great example of rotation.  Is that person on this list?  If so, how'd you do it?  rinitsys is great w/ turbo!

Buddy Smith

From: 	Jonathan L Anderson[]
Sent: 	Tuesday, June 17, 1997 10:45 AM
Subject: 	Re: LZ: Rotation...

On Sun, 15 Jun 1997, Buddy Smith wrote:
> Does anyone know how to rotate a sprite on the screen (w/out USGARD, 
>in case you are wondering...)  I need to turn a simple 15x15 sprite 
>around sideways.  I'm not really quite sure how to do sin/cos 
>rotations (I have no idea how sin/cos even can do rotations) but if 
>someone can help it will be greatly appreciated
> Buddy Smith

I'm not sure how to do it in Z80 asm, but basic rotation is like this:

  newx = x*cos(angle) - y*sin(angle)
  newy = y*cos(angle) + x*sin(angle)

Keep in mind that this rotates counter-clockwise around the origin, so
you would probably want to make the origin be in the middle of the

Jonathan Anderson

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