Re: RE: A85: DJNZ


Re: RE: A85: DJNZ

Regarding those comments earlier about first learning to program:

When I first started programming in ASM, I read Rodney Zaks book... 
This book mainly outlines concepts and has an overview of Z80 ASM 

After a while however, it will probably not be needed by more 
experienced programmers, and manuals might almost be better... I have the books 
from Zilog, and I actually use them for reference on commands.  I don't 
think that Rodney Zaks book could do as well for this (besides, only 
libraries seem to have it around, and I don't want to have to check it out 
every time I want to look up a command to check affected flags!)  Once 
you know concepts, all you need is to know the commands.

