Re: LZ: a new memory exspander...


Re: LZ: a new memory exspander...

At 08:56 PM 7/4/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I am currently working on a new expsander for the ti-85.
>Right now I am calling it "The TI-Tape drive," that may change, but I am not
>really makeing a new drive, just a cabel that will alow a TI to hook up to a
>tape recorder and sent info to a tape.  then tay can play back this info from
>a tape player.  I don't have much yet, but I will post info as I get it.  You
>can see what I've done at my site:
>I plan on updating the info tomorow.

	If you had been on this list about 8 months ago, you would have realized
that this topic had already been discussed, and it would take a whole
shitload of electronic components to get this to work.  First of all, you
can't copy a digital signal on to a tape with an analog recorder, second of
all, the 85 needs some sort of clocking so it sends and recieves the data
packets correctly.  How the hell are you going to trick the calc into
thinking a tape recorder is another calc?
Anthony Karels

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