Re: LZ: a new memory exspander...


Re: LZ: a new memory exspander...

Of course the data is stored like audio.. How do you think the old C64
(some models) and Sinclair ZX-80/81 did...

On Sat, 5 Jul 1997, Justin Desilet wrote:

> Are you sure that an audio tape can read and write data stuff and not 
> just audio? Have you actually been able to send or recieve from it yet?
> >From:
> >Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 16:18:02 -0400 (EDT)
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: LZ: a new memory exspander...
> >
> >It's oing to be a cable that will alow a ti-85 to sent and receve stuff 
> from
> >audio tapes.
> >I also did some more work on it today, and found out some cool sutff, 
> but I
> >will have to update my page.
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Henrik Edlund
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