Re: LZ: A new graphics routine


Re: LZ: A new graphics routine

just use gcp and require teh zcp library. do this:

gcp filename.85i g2 c
gcp filename.pcx g2 c

you now have a small .asm file called filename.asm which has your
compressed image (the .85i file). how small is it? you should be able to
get it to be about 400-500 bytes, possible smaller. I've actually gotten
some pictures down to 100 bytes =) try it out.	

		Will Stokes

On Mon, 30 Jun 1997, Nicholas C Anderson wrote:

> In my program (Orion Masters) I want to have a very simple and very small
> straight line routine.  In Qbasic it would be like this:
> For X=0 to 127
> Pset(X,Y)   'Pick any Y you need
> next X
> Also I have a 85I file that I want to convert to the smallest possible
> Usgard size but I only need 2 smaller screen sections to put the entire
> screen together.  I want to do it by having a simple binary code set
> (10010011 draws a dot skips 2 a dot skips 2 then 2 dots).
> Any help would be good
> -     (Formerly know as
> -          "I hate a Roman named Status Quo."  -Ray Bradbury
> -               Thank you for your time that I have just wasted!

                               Will Stokes
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