Re: A85: USGuard vs. ZShell
Re: A85: USGuard vs. ZShell
>I haven't used USGuard much and I don't have a copy of the newest
>version. What I'd like to know is what are the main differences in
>any areas and I've heard (though I don't have enough info to agree or
>disagree) that USGuard is better than ZShell. How much better is it?
The combined size of the three important components of Usgard (the
Usgard string itself, a shell, and the "patchrom" program) is
somewhat larger than the size of ZShell (which has all three
things built-in to one string). This has caused a lot of people
to dislike Usgard.
The main advantage of Usgard is that it provides many extra
features for its programs. It allows relocation of absolute
references, which can substantially decrease program size and
makes programs somewhat faster. If you have a lot of programs
which take advantage of this, the savings is more than enough
to offset the extra size of Usgard. Usgard also gives the
programs many extra functions such as variable manipulation
and the ability to easily manage multiple "TSR" programs.
If you want to read a lot more "discussion" of this issue, you
can go to the mailing list archives on, and look
through all of the Assembly-85 archives from May 1997 through
October 1997. Look at the threads called "Usgard", "My frozen
two cents on USGARD", "Why USGARD stinks!" and especially
"shells and games", and you will read more about this than you
ever wanted to. I don't recommend that...
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