Re: A85: FA70-FBFF?
Re: A85: FA70-FBFF?
Okay, interrupt mode 2 uses two numbers, I, and it pulls the other off
the data bus (I'm still not exactly sure what the data bus is, but if
someone could explain it). They are both 8 bit numbers, which form a
word, with I being the high byte. If we placed the table at $FB00, then
the maximum number formed with that would be $FBFF. It could never
point past $FBFF, ever.
That number is an address pointer to a number on the interrupt table,
which it then jumps to, right? It being a 16 bit number, with the high
byte set to $FB, we wouldn't have to worry about intersecting the Video
Why does everyone keep saying that the table covers 257 bytes? I'm very
sure that is impossible.