Re: A85: My problem with libraries


Re: A85: My problem with libraries

If you used the MLP method instead of the custom menu you could run asm
programs like basic programs. If you did this the shell would only have to
included the rom calls and the calls/jump. All in all this would mean a
very small shell, and it should be possible to make it ZShell compatible.

(If you donot know MLP it was discussed on lza sometime ago, and it is the
method used for the ti82 asm shell Ash.)


Dines Justesen
Email: or
WWW  :

On Wed, 13 Aug 1997 wrote:

> 82nd Deer wrote:
> > You could make a 100-200 byte shell that would simply let you input the
> > name of the program to run.
> You could save even more space by just having the user recall the
> variable (in the homescreen), then check if Ans was an ASM string, and
> (if so), run it.  Anybody want a 200 Byte OS?
> > It's not a BAD thing games are being made for usgard only - it's the best
> > OS out there.
> The problem is that _many_ people will keep using shells like ZShell
> 4.0, etc. instead of switching to other shells!  I had enough trouble
> trying to switch people at my HS from ZShell to CShell!  Try making
> ordinary TI-85 users start looking around for necessary libraries, and
> they'll just decide that it's not worth it!
> -- 
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> * ~mozart <> *
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
