A85: um


A85: um

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From: Ben Shakal <shakalb98@jhs.net>
To: assembly-85@lists.ticalc.org
Date: Wednesday, August 13, 1997 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: A85: My problem with libraries

>mozart@technologist.com wrote:
>> 82nd Deer wrote:
>> > You could make a 100-200 byte shell that would simply let you input
>> > name of the program to run.
>> You could save even more space by just having the user recall the
>> variable (in the homescreen), then check if Ans was an ASM string, and
>> (if so), run it.  Anybody want a 200 Byte OS?
>Actually, I'm afraid this wouldn't be that useful, because when you
>recall something (into Ans), the calc makes a copy of it.  So you will
>always need to have at least as much free mem as the size of the prog,
>space which could have just as easily been filled with a bigger shell.
>Wait a minute... you could do something like that, have  a shell with no
>UI, and have a string, say RunThis or something, and you store the name
>of the prog you want to run into that string, then start the shell (from
>the custom menu as usual).  It could just go look for that string, then
>check what is in it, then run that prog, if it exists.  So maybe you
>could still do a 200 byte OS! :)
>> > It's not a BAD thing games are being made for usgard only - it's the
>> > OS out there.
>> The problem is that _many_ people will keep using shells like ZShell
>> 4.0, etc. instead of switching to other shells!  I had enough trouble
>> trying to switch people at my HS from ZShell to CShell!  Try making
>> ordinary TI-85 users start looking around for necessary libraries, and
>> they'll just decide that it's not worth it!
>> --
>> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>> * ~mozart <mozart@technologist.com> *
>> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>Ben Shakal
>Quote of the Month:
>"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18."
>                                                - Albert Einstein
