Re: A85: Sqrxz 0.7b
Re: A85: Sqrxz 0.7b
Don't be so pissed at Usgard (and all of the hype that goes with it).
It is a good OS. Relocation is a great idea (also used by PHAT OS).
Libraries are a good idea (except that i hate how some of the
libraries include stuff i don't wanna use, such as including NASR and
PutSprite in one library. Of course if you separate everything, you
get even *more* libraries.) But, the thing that will make people
choose Usgard is backward compatibility. i haven't actually tried
PHAT OS yet, so i don't know if it has this. (The Java on the PHAT
homepage crashed netscape on my computer. hopefully the OS won't do
the same to my calculator. :) ) As for Jimmy not wanting his code to
be ported to another OS, that is understandable. It is up to him to
make that decision. I am sure if he thinks someone is going to port
it without his permission, he may not release the source. Just my
On Sun, 10 Aug 1997 16:21:47 -0400, you wrote:
>my $0.02
>I just want to go on record as saying that releaseing a program & source
>for ONLY usgard is LAME.
>some people out there hate usgard & all the crap that goes with it.
>perhaps if you would allow a
>zshell or phatOS port of the game. I happen to like the sqrxz game but I
>am not about to use usgard
>to play it. I hope for your sake somebody writes a program for zshell
>that looks just like sqrxz
>(perhaps even based on the source) but with the name changed so it
>wouldn't be sqrxz ;)
>Mike Baker
>Get your free, Phat based OS at
>Jimmy Mårdell wrote:
>> Hey everyone... I've finally found my way back to this mailinglist.
>> Anyway, I've been working very hard with the old Sqrxz for the TI-85 and
>> after a week of intensive programming a new beta (the game is almost
>> complete)
>> has arisen. Some features
>> * The first real horizontal smoothscrolling game for the TI-85
>> * Contains more than 100 different 8x8 graphic tiles
>> * 4 different, animated, enemy types
>> * External Worlds (with a level editor for the PC)
>> * Choose speed (slow,normal,fast) and if you want to reduce flicker
>> by using a Virtual screen (recommended for turbo TI owners)
>> * All this in less than 6000 bytes (1,3k graphics)
>> Sqrxz requires USGARD and will NOT be ported to ZShell or any other
>> OS for the TI-85 without my permission, which you won't receive. The
>> source
>> code (fully commented with all algorithms explained) will be released
>> within
>> a few days when the final version will be released.
>> Get it at
>> Included in the ZIP is one world with only one level :( so far (I didn't
>> have time
>> to create more levels) BUT the leveleditor which I use is included in
>> the ZIP. You
>> should be warned that it is the complete opposite of a userfriendly
>> editor -
>> read the Sqrxz DOC for more information.
>> Expect new versions in a very soon future.
>> --
>> Yimmy Mårdell "We are the crown of creation
>> we may do whatever we please
>> Fuck nature, man rules!"
>> IRC: Yarin Fuck Nature /Cat rapes dog