LZ: Re: $4 serial link prob


LZ: Re: $4 serial link prob

This happened to me too, it will still transfer...just really slow
don't worry 'bout it too much.

the calc is temporarily slowed down, i'm not sure why, but commands 
will still execute, just be a bit patient.

> From: Frank  <Jblaze77@msn.com>
> To: Zshell <list-zshell@lists.ticalc.org>
> Subject: LZ: $4 serial link prob
> Date: Saturday, September 28, 1996 6:07 PM
> I had my 4 buck link working fine... then yesterday for no reason when i 
> plugged it in it just slowed my calc down no more transfers.... the light
> still on tho.... any suggestions?

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