Re: LZ: Weird Trick...
A.K.A. TheWiz wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, John Yuschak wrote:
> > Hey everybody,
> >
> > I just want a bit of your time to try out this trick (or bug). Tell me if it works (I hope it does). Do these steps:
> >
> > 1) Take a shell program you will use. We'll use "Hexview".
> > 2) Go into the Strings menu, and find out the length. In this case, 299.
> > 3) Type in this to look at the file: "sub(hexview,1,299)"
> > 4) A line of junk will appear at the next line. This is the file it self. Push left and right to scroll.
> > 5) Now the string is also stored as "Ans"
> > 6) Go into the ZShell menu, and BAM! One program looks just like the other, except instead of reading "Hexview", it reads "Ans"!
> >
> > I think this is because the variable "Ans" contains the same value as "Hexview". But isn't "Ans" a different TYPE of variable? Thanx for your time.
> I've discovered this as well... to answer your question (no pun intended:),
> Ans becomes whatever type of variable the last answer was. Of course, this
> does take up the same amount of RAM as the program itself...
you are wrong there because the memory that is used by the origional
varible's name is also included in a file lenght. in reality, if the Ans
varible had more characters in it than the origional varible name the
file would be larger, if Ans had the same amount of characters the size
would be the same, and if Ans had less characters that the origional
varible the size would be smaller.
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