Re: LZ: Re: Gameboy Drive
Re: LZ: Re: Gameboy Drive
On Tue, 24 Sep 1996 18:21:50 -0400, you wrote:
>> From: Daddy E <>
>> Anymore word on the floppy drive that uses the gameboy components?
>How do expect to make a _floppy_ drive out of GameBoy parts??
>A GameBoy reads carts with EEPROMS (I think...some kind of ROM), and has
>nothing to do with floppy disks...
They use "masked" roms, which are really cheap if they're made in huge
quantities (like gameboy games are...). They're permanent, and you
can't alter them without destroying it.
That would be interesting, though, to write a gameboy emulator for the
TI-85, but anyone got a year of their life to spare?