LZ: Re: Program problems
> From: Frank <Jblaze77@msn.com>
> Here is that program revised... it still aint working... now it just
prints my
> exiting text then freezes
> nextkey:
> cp $01 ; down
> CALL_Z(down)
> cp $02 ; left?
> CALL_Z(left)
> cp $03 ; right
> CALL_Z(left)
> cp $37 ;exit
> JUMP_(exit)
This has to be conditional. So, change JUMP_(exit) to JUMP_Z(exit), which
will jump to exit only if key $37 (Exit) is pressed. Without the 'Z'
condition, it makes the jump no matter what.
> exit:
> ld hl,$1A1A
> ld ($8333), hl
> ld hl, (PROGRAM_ADDR)
> ld de,bye
> add hl,de
> ret z
change this ret z to ret
You do not want a conditional ret, becaus you want to exit no mater what.
BUT, what i think you are trying to do, is wait for a key press, then exit,
Well, do this instead:
ld hl,$1A1A
ld ($8333), hl
ld de,bye
add hl,de
exitloop: call GET_KEY
cp $37
ret z
jr exitloop
> bye:
> .db "BYE THANKS FOR TESTING",0 ; this is what prints and then
> .end
; Max Mansour, // mail : mmansour@gis.net
; self proclaimed // irc : Justarius
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; come visit my handheld pages
; (OmniGo, Windows CE (soon), TI-85/ZShell)
; Drugs for Doughnuts !
; Crack, smack, weed, speed, you want it,
; I got it. I can be found in the nearest
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; I'm the one with the badge and the gun.