Re: LZ: Re: my new prog


Re: LZ: Re: my new prog

> From: barrym <>
> On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Will Stokes (3D Diamond productions / Global Games)
> > I'm afraid we are all being a little too general when we help newer
> > programmers. What you nend to do is replase "CALL_(name)" wiht
> > CALL_Z(name" otherwise it will always call it. different from basic.
> > you already figured out what to do but I'm jsut trying to help anybody
> > else out there who needs help. 
> I didn't do that, but that's because when I posted my message

I think he was refering to my post (sorry!), in which I just told him to
make those 4 or 5 calls conditional, without specifics of how to do it...

> I didn't know there was a conditional call.  I did know about
> the conditional returns.
> However, what I posted is correct since I used a conditional
> jump to go around the unconditional call.  It isn't the best
> way to do it by any means, but it illustrates the way compares
> work.

BTW, your reply to that guy's post really confused me, becasue some of the
lines had wrapped becasue of the the email client, and the original program
was quoted by that guy before he emailed it, then your unconventional way
of handling it (now explained)...

> By the way, do you realize your signature is 3-4 times as long
> as your typical post?  Well, combined with your prefix it is.

I was thinking the same thing myself, and yes, I know, _my_ sig is 11 lines
long, but it's a compact sig, with contact info, and a quote, while "3D
Diamond productions", is just a huge ascii diamond, plus a presig (did I
make that word up?).

PS -- Will, you might want to change the name, "3D diamond" sounds like a
design company, while it is evident (I dont mean to be insulting) that this
is not the case, jusging from your webpages...

> Barry

; Max Mansour,       // mail : 
; self proclaimed   // irc : Justarius
; dictator.        // web :  
;              Drugs for Doughnuts ! 
;     Crack, smack, weed, speed, you want it, 
;     I got it.  I can be found in the nearest
;     deep-fried pastry establishment.
;     I'm the one with the badge and the gun.


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