Re: LZ: Re: my new prog
Re: LZ: Re: my new prog
On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Will Stokes (3D Diamond productions / Global Games) wrote:
> I'm afraid we are all being a little too general when we help newer
> programmers. What you nend to do is replase "CALL_(name)" wiht
> CALL_Z(name" otherwise it will always call it. different from basic. Maybe
> you already figured out what to do but I'm jsut trying to help anybody
> else out there who needs help.
I didn't do that, but that's because when I posted my message
I didn't know there was a conditional call. I did know about
the conditional returns.
However, what I posted is correct since I used a conditional
jump to go around the unconditional call. It isn't the best
way to do it by any means, but it illustrates the way compares
By the way, do you realize your signature is 3-4 times as long
as your typical post? Well, combined with your prefix it is.