Re: LZ: Link info.


Re: LZ: Link info.

According to "Daddy E":
>Exactly what size adaptor is the link port?  ex.  1/4 1/8 1/16.....

3/32" - most places don't sell those plugs ( Radio Shack does not ) in
3-conductor form, which is what the 85 uses.  You have to buy the 1/4"
3-conductor and a 1/4-3/32 3-conductor adapter; that's how I built my
computer link and other peripherals.  It also saves money; once you have the
adaptor you only need plugs, and those are only about a buck / plug.  It
also makes easy use of headphones for audio. :)

Catch ya later,

Ryan Myers ( )
"Canthus" or "Darren" on DARKWORLD / Twisted Fate

C> Warning: REALITY.SYS may be corrupt.  Reboot universe(y/n)?

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