Re: LZ: I think I have a definite plan for memory... I think...
Re: LZ: I think I have a definite plan for memory... I think...
-*-That would rock. Games could be released with pictures and short video,
-*-which you would transfer to the external mem. If you didn't have
-*-external memory, you could use the game, but without intro screens/many
-*-pictures. I'd love to see this occur.
Yeah, but what I was saying is that we could do like a cartridge
system, where you just switch the chips, and you have a gameboy or C64
like system...
-/- Bill -/-
| SysOp of Skeletons from the Closet, 7i7-585-40i8
| -/- Eagle Scout - '95, Brotherhood Member Lowwapaneu Lodge 191 -/-
| -/- '96 Pennsylvania YMCA East-West Champion, 100yd Back - :53.94 -/-