Re: LZ: I think I have a definite plan for memory... I think...
Bill Roehl wrote:
> -*->However, I do see an interesting application for this thingame. Although
> -*->you can't execute code directly in it, you *can* read/write data to it,
> -*->so you could store huge pictures and just have the program copy it to
> -*->graph ram when it needs it without eating up any of that 28k we all so
> -*->love and adore.
> -*->
> -*-
> -*-Yep. I would love to build this if it turns out. One screen of data is 1K
> -*-exactly, we could have 35 seconds of full-screen b&w video ( at 15 fps )...
> -*-hell of an intro for a game... :)
> Now, with this, can we like swap chips or something (I can't think
> of a better comparrison, so: like the C64's cartridges?) that way have
> like a couple of games on a chip and be like really good ones? :)
> -/- Bill -/-
> .......-------=============================================-------.........
> | SysOp of Skeletons from the Closet, 7i7-585-40i8
> |
> | -/- Eagle Scout - '95, Brotherhood Member Lowwapaneu Lodge 191 -/-
> |
> | -/- '96 Pennsylvania YMCA East-West Champion, 100yd Back - :53.94 -/-
> .......-------=============================================-------.........
That would rock. Games could be released with pictures and short video,
which you would transfer to the external mem. If you didn't have
external memory, you could use the game, but without intro screens/many
pictures. I'd love to see this occur.
Compliments of:
Alan Bailey