Re: LZ: I think I have a definite plan for memory... I think...


Re: LZ: I think I have a definite plan for memory... I think...

Steve Wrobleski wrote:

>Um, take a look at those data sheets again. I believe that it said the
>max memory for the i2c bus was 16k-bits (dont quote me though)...
>I think it uses to chip address bits to determine the memory address
>with the 16k one, so your limited to two 2k-bytes, if that is so, dont
>even bother
>Microwire is the way to go, consider theyve got a 500k-byte chip.

Microwire will only work with Mel Tsai's expander, which looks promising,
but is a large amount of trouble to go to.  There is also the matter of
addressing; you can only transfer so fast with only 2 wires, especially
considering that the processor is only 6Mhz, 13 if turboed.  You can only
transfer as fast as the processor can translate and recieve from the port;
Let us remember that the original 8088 ( 4.77 Mhz, not too much slower than
the TI ) couldn't do much more than 2400 on a modem, 4800 or 9600 if you
were lucky; and it had the luxury of a 28-pin parallel / 9-pin serial cable
to send data through.  With only two wires, it will still be rather slow.
Combined with the time it will take to pick one page out of 500KB / 1MB and
that the size of pages will most likely require writing entire blocks of
memory that might not be used at one time, unless Mel's software for his
expander supports fragmentation and has one hell of an interface I doubt too
many casual users will do it.  I for one will build the expander one way or
another just for doing it, but who knows.

You are correct in that it will only allow me to do 2 K-Bytes at a time, but
I am considering using bus / IO expanders in an attempt to select separate
buses and recieve from those.  Anyone?

Oh well,
Ryan Myers ( )
"Canthus" on DARKWORLD / Twisted Fate

C> Warning: REALITY.SYS may be corrupt.  Reboot universe(y/n)?

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