Re: LZ: Extended mem. format
> Most likely you can store all stuff on the extended memory, but to use
> it on the calc you will first have to laod it into the calc's normal
> memory -- so you have 28k free
> something that will access this external mem and zshell type thing
> will take up lets say 5k
> so now we have the largest stuff at 23k
> not bad when you are talking the gameboy games were origionally 32k
> so here the dela we need in this zshell type program a make var
> rountie or somethin like this
> or you could have a gam lets say like Super Mario Bro... at first it
> load the first board into clacs "normal mem"-- then when you are done
> the first boadrd then the 2nd and so on, but this may not work--
> cause in SMB, you will need routines to find stuff in the exteranl
> mem--
> soultion****
> 1.on the calc-- you have in the zshell type prgram rounties to make
> and delete vars in the noraml mem
> 2.and in that program you have routines to access any section of of
> the external mem...
> so in conclusion, you can load level 1 into the calc-- then once you
> beat it level 2 is loaded on etc...
> tell me what you think of this!!
> Eric Linenberg
This sounds like a good idea. Another thing you could do if you
REALLY were looking for a few extra KBytes of RAM would be to make a
program that would copy almost all of the system vars ($8000 to
$8C00), except for the one's ZShell uses to the external data
storage. Then when you're done, you could copy the stuff back. It's
just an idea and probably not worth working on.